How Did a Baby Wrap in a Dead Mother’s Chest Survive for 9 Months? Allah Almighty has the power to give life and death to man. It is Allah Who gives life to the straw.

How Did a Baby Wrap in a Dead Mother’s Chest Survive for 9 Months?

Sometimes there are complications with women during pregnancy which make it seem that it is no longer possible for the mother or the child to survive or the child will come into the world or the mother will remain but the man keeps thinking Shows.

One such incident is reported on Arab News and IG Irshad Gul’s Arabic website, which is very old.


It may not be possible to tell its history, but listening to it will make you realize that When Allah wants to keep the man alive, He creates the means by Himself.

Harvard Dixon was a British officer. Who wrote in his book “Arab Desert” in 1949:

A man from the Al-Awazim tribe did not love his wife at all. He didn’t even care and was a very carefree man. His wife became pregnant. So he didn’t want the baby to come into the world.

He always wondered how to get rid of his wife. So he did not care for his wife at all for 9 months and one day his wife died at the time of childbirth. The baby was laughing and healthy.

He threw his wife into a nearby cave and left the child with his mother. And as he was leaving, he put the child on his mother’s left side and he left the cave. And laid heavy stones outside the cave. After which he disappeared and did not return.

Nine months later, the locals passed by and saw that the rocks of the cave had been shaken. And a hole is visible. There are also baby footprints. The people fled in fear.

But then a few days later the same man was sitting in the company of some people when he found out that the rock of the cave had been removed.

He was afraid that now everyone would see my wife’s body and also the dead child. Then I will be a liar Because I told everyone that both mother and baby died during childbirth.

He was shocked when he went inside the cave. Because his wife was dead. But the baby became much healthier in 9 months. And saw that the child was not bitten by an ant, the child was laughing and playing and sitting in praise of the mother.

When the man touched his wife, he saw that her body was completely destroyed on the right side. But the place on the left where the baby was lying on his chest is very fresh and right.

The man took the child in his arms and ran away, then returned at night and buried his wife’s body in the dark.

Harvard Dixon added:

The mother does not only take care of the child while she is alive, her heart keeps beating for the children even after death. When I heard all this from locals during a trip to Arab, I wondered how people would think of killing their children and wives.

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