A video of what looks like an Alabama high school female teacher having s3* during a council meeting on zoom has gone viral on the internet.

And a video that could be interpreted as a teacher involved in the intimate act while on Zoom, has gone viral. And people don’t seem to get why she had to engage in such an act while on zoom.

Alabama High School Teacher Having Intimate Relations During ZOOM Class:

An Alabama teacher is being accused of having what looked like intimate relations with her boyfriend, during an official Zoom where students attended.


Those on the meeting kept screaming, but she never cared obviously because she was so much into the banging.

I am not shocked this happened in the state of Alabama.

At least she had the decency to have her microphone muted. She just needs to learn to turn the camera off as well.

In the video, which has since been trending online, the woman – who is described as a BCS employee in her Zoom profile – is seen lying face down in bed.

Later in the video, a shirtless man appears – and he seems to be laying on top of the teacher. Then, the teacher is seen rocking back and forth – as if someone is moving her body.

Wild times in 2022.

The question raised here is, Why didn’t anyone send her a chat message or something to alert her to what was going on?

“This is why Birmingham City Schools kids out and virtual! Teachers ain’t teaching. These BMT teachers are not like they use to be. They getting their bikes TAPPED out while kids are on zoom. No morals. Just throw the whole school system away,” the video is captioned.

While the City of Birmingham’s official policy is for all schools to offer “in-person” learning, many have been forced to switch to remote – as teachers have been using “sick out” protests to shut down schools.

Flip the pages for the video and some of the Twitter reactions to it. They are hilarious and somewhat disturbing, to be honest.

The video quickly went viral and began circulating among parents who are outraged by the video.

Watch Teacher Zoom Video

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