T-Mobile is a wireless mobile network provider whose millions of users’ data was hacked last week. Is your password on the Dark Web after T-Mobile data was hacked?

Is Your Password On The Dark Web After T-Mobile Data Was Hacked?

If you also want to know if your password is on the Dark Web, we will show you how to check.

Usually stolen personal information that leads hackers to your identity. They can allow hackers to make purchases in your name and file credit tax returns for everything from opening credit accounts. But all of this shows that you are the person who is doing this.


What’s worse is that these hacked login credentials are available on the Dark Web so that hackers can download them easily and for free.

Are your passwords on the Dark Web?

The T-Mobile company said earlier this week that the personal data of more than 40 million former and potential users had been stolen along with the data of 7 million existing T-Mobile wireless users.

You cannot prevent sites from being hacked, but you can take steps to determine if your information may be compromised. In addition, you can limit the damage caused by the violation.

If you use a password manager that creates unique passwords. You can be sure if there is a breach by a site.

So it will not give your stolen password to hackers access to your accounts on other sites

A good password manager can help you organize all your login information, making it easy to create and then use a unique password.

After a password has been hacked, some monitoring tools can alert you to the information you have stolen on the Dark Web. Which can give you an early start to limiting the damage to hackers.

We show you how to use 2 free monitoring tools that you can use to see what compromises have been made with your email address and password so you can take action.

Google password checkup:

How can you use Google Password Checkup? As part of the Password Manager service, Google provides a free password check-up tool that monitors usernames and passwords that you use to sign in to various sites outside of Google’s domain. It notifies you when login credentials appear.

1: If you use Google’s password service to track your (Login credentials) in Chrome or Android, go to Google’s Password Manager site and click on the Check Passwords option.

2: After clicking the Check Passwords option, confirm that it is you.

3: Enter your Google Account password.

4: After thinking for a while, Google will point out some issues such as password reuse and weak passwords, etc.

5: There will be an option to change the password next to the reused password or weak password (Change Password) which you can use to choose the more secure password.

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Mozilla Firefox Monitor:

How can you use Mozilla’s Firefox Monitor? Mozilla’s free Firefox Monitor service lets you track which of your email addresses are involved in data breaches.

1: First go to the Firefox Monitor page.

2: Enter an email address and click on the (Check for breach) option. If the email was part of a breach since 2007, the monitor will show you which hack it was part of.

3: Go to the More about this breach option under the check for breaches option, then Mozilla will tell you what was stolen and what to do now, it will give you the option to change the password.

You can also sign up to notify the monitor if your email is involved in future data theft.

The monitor scans your email address against any data violations found and alerts you if you were involved.

1: Click the Sign up of Alert option at the bottom of the Firefox Monitor page.

2: Create a Firefox account if you need to.

3: Click the Sign In option to see a summary of your email infringement

4: At the bottom of the page you can add an additional email address to monitor. Mozilla will then send you an email to each address in which you have sent a subject line with “Firefox Monitor finds your information in these violations”, when it finds out that the email address is against someone. If he is involved in the violation, he gives instructions on how to act on those violations

In addition to Mozilla and Google tools, you can take additional steps to detect fraud.

1: Monitor your credit reports.

2: Sign up for a credit monitoring service


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