Doja Cat Celebrates 27th Birthday With Star-Studded Guest while Accidentally revealed Her Breast. The birthday girl wore a full-face mask with a giant feather headdress and a black velvet cape. Although she didn’t unveil what was underneath until inside the venue, a pair of strappy sandals peeked out from under the cape.

Doja Cat Celebrates 27th Birthday With Star-Studded Guest while Accidentally Revealed Her Breast:

Doja Cat celebrated her 27th birthday party on Friday night in Los Angeles, where Doja’s famous friends are seen in various lingerie and masquerade ensembles.

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Doja Cat accidentally revealed part of her birthday suit as she exited her 27th masquerade-themed birthday bash in West Hollywood on Friday night.

She hopped into the backseat of a black SUV following the star-studded shindig, the musician’s black velvet cloak shifted and fully revealed her right breast.

Underneath the Venetian mask, Doja’s face was painted white with a carefully outlined red lip.

#DojaCat #27thBirthday #Celebrates #Breast #masqueradethemed