Babybodybags Twitter user has recently uploaded 3 different parts of the complete video of the Buffalo Mass Shooting.

The video link has been given at the end of the post in which you can see that a crazy boy has parked his car in front of the Buffalo supermarket and started killing innocent people.

Watch Buffalo Twitch Stream Video – Who is Babybodybags Twitter?


Who is Babybodybags Twitter:

The Twitter account Babybodybags has been created after the incident took place just to upload these video clips. And he has got 250 followers in one day with 8 Tweets. All of his videos got thousands of views.

His record title is,

gravy baby

His record description is,

when i die, read the twitter tos at my eulogy

Watch Baby body bags Live Shooing video:

If you are curious to watch Babybodybags videos and pictures then you may follow this link. (Warning: content)

Note: TodayPakWeb is not responsible for the content of external sites.

If any additional Babybodybags Twitch Streamer information arrives, TodayPakWeb will update this post.

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