Mississippi State Trooper Ivana Williams was fired for sending a private video she filmed with another woman to other officers. A police officer in Mississippi has been fired for allegedly filming private activity with another woman and sharing the video with other highway patrol officers, according to reports.
Mississippi State Trooper Ivana Williams was fired for sending a private video she filmed with another woman to other officers:
Private Ivana Williams was fired in February after being accused of sending n*de photos of herself to senior soldiers and visiting @du*t websites on her government-owned phone.
She was also accused of sending private tapes made by another woman to his colleagues, who later sued her, WLBT reported.
“I don’t know exactly how many people have this video right now,” the anonymous victim wrote in her complaint.
“From what I’ve been told, this is the case with most of our law enforcement. MHP leaders and leaders share this.
Staff Sergeant Julius Hutson and Staff Sergeant Jeremy Lott were also later suspended for their role in demanding that Williams undress, a violation of the rules.
The sc@ndal came to the fore again this week after it was announced that Hutson had been given a new job as a deputy in Rankin County.

Ivana Williams fired after sending private tape to her colleagues:
Rankin County Sheriff Bryan Bailey told the agency:
“Based on what I have heard and our investigation, this is a violation of [Mississippi Patrol] policy and she has not been charged with any criminal activity.”
Ivana Williams in her defence:
Her defence is that male officers do it all the time and they don’t get fired, so firing a female officer for that is s*x discrimination.
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Staff Sergeant Julius Hutson and Staff Sergeant Jeremy Lott were also later suspended for requesting intimate photographs from Williams.
Hutson admitted to investigators and the affidavit that he was “90 percent” sure she was Williams’ boss but wanted negative photos.
In their appeal, the two men stated that they took the photographs while at work and requested the State to change their decision.