For the first time, a US drone tanker made history by supplying fuel to a fighter jet in mid-air.

US Drone Tanker Makes History By Providing Fuel To Fighter Jet In The Air:

According to foreign media reports, the US Navy said that this historic event took place on Monday when an MQ-25 Stingray drone tank manufactured by a Boeing company transported 325 pounds of fuel in an F-18 Super Hornet fighter jet during the flight.

The US Navy conducted the first ever refueling operation between a MQ-25 T1 unmanned tanker and a F/A-18 Super Hornet on June
via @NAVAIRNews #drone #uav #unmanned #aviation@SpirosMargaris @Nicochan33 @mvollmer1 @PawlowskiMario @Shi4Tech @FrRonconi

— Jeroen Bartelse (@JeroenBartelse) June 7, 2021

The landmark is a vital one as the U.S. Navy looks forward to adding the MQ-25 to its carrier air wings, or CVWs, in the future.


According to the report, during the refuelling in the air, the distance between the two planes was only 20 feet.

The U.S. Navy says the drone tanker can carry up to 15,000 pounds of fuel, while the aircraft can be used for reconnaissance and surveillance work, including refuelling in difficult situations.

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