BREAKING: Allen Premium Outlets Texas Mall Shooting 9 killed gunman dead. A mass shooting has taken place at the  Allen Premium Outlets mall in  Allen, Texas.

Details below:

  • Multiple victims, which include children.
  • The Shooter has been confirmed to be dead.

Allen Premium Outlets Texas Mall Shooting 9 killed gunman dead:

he Allen Police Department has put out the following statement:


“Law enforcement is on the scene at Allen Premium Outlets. An active investigation is underway. Please avoid the area until further update”

It’s just so infuriating to watch this happen time and time again.  Many of these incidents happen in Texas, which is one of the most pro-gun states in the union.

WATCH the santa fe y karely video

Video Captured Gunfire Allen, Texas Mall Shooting video:

Is there a compromise in which we all can agree that we need to do something other than pray?

Black killers bragging and filming their White victims in the Allen Texas mass shooting event.


The killer was heard yelling that the killing was Justice for Trayvon and that

“all Wh!tes must die”

#allentx #shooting

WATCH the Cat in Blender video

Live footage of Allen Mall Shooting

Stay with us for more updates on the Texas shooting.