The Mascot for The Portland Pickles Issued A Statement Regarding The ‘Disturbing Image’ It Posted On Twitter.

Timber Dillon T. Pickle has been the most phallic local mascot since his elongated green frame first trotted out onto the field at Walker Stadium in 2016.

The Portland Pickles end Mascot Takeover after posting a disturbing Image on Twitter:

Joey may have the logs and the wood, but Dillon T. Pickle has been the most phallic local mascot since his elongated green frame first trotted out onto the field at Walker Stadium in 2016.


(KOIN) PORTLAND, Ore. The Portland Pickles baseball team is in deep water after the team’s mascot tweeted a provocative photo of the mascot’s “pickle.”

When the “poorly cropped” selfie was released Wednesday afternoon, the team’s cotton mascot, Dillon T. Pickle, was put in charge of taking over the team’s social media account.

The post had received national media attention and over 65k likes on Twitter as of early Friday.

Dillon’s response to the “scandill” was captured on camera, and I hope someone in the team’s marketing department gets a raise for it.

After showing off some headlines about the incident over sombre piano music and audio clips of stuff like Joe Buck reacting to Randy Moss fake mooning some Packers fans.

He posted a picture of the original tweet, ran through a collection of tweets that showed people reacting to the image.

Also showed off some headlines about the incident over sombre piano music and audio clips of stuff like Joe Buck reacting to Randy Moss fake mooning some Packers fans.


The mascot then revealed that the game had been rigged. Although the Portland team’s well-organized replies have led some fans to worry whether the incident was staged, real or not, the sweet and bitter responses have sparked a lot of interest in the Portland Pickles.

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